Hawaiian Body Products & Ola Tropical Apothecary is a family owned and operated business in Hawaii since 2005. We are committed to creating premium quality Hawaiian inspired products at the source, Hawaii.
Ola means “life force” and “wellbeing” in Hawaiian.

Our products are Potent, Pure and Natural. We personally hand craft every product, mindfully wild crafting, and choosing locally grown organic and natural ingredients.
By supporting Ola Tropical Apothecary you support a multitude of small farmers & amp; businesses and a company that is responsible, sustainable and transparent.
organic and
natural ingredients.

Ola Tropical Apothecary
Honesty & Transparency
Respecting Cultural Wisdom
Our Commitment – Quality
Ola Tropical Apothecary

Because we hand make every one of our products we know exactly what goes h5into each product. We take pride in providing you with Hawaii’s best natural bath and body products and can assure you that you are get exactly what you see on the labels.
Respecting Cultural Wisdom

Products and services provide exceptional alternative organic and natural options for the Spa and at home spa experience. Our products are synonymous with natural tropical luxury and we are honored to say that everything we make is made in Hawaii.
We specialize in creating the ultimate in body and skin care products based on ancient Polynesian plant wisdom to help maintain healthy, radiant and youthful skin. Ola Tropical Apothecary premium quality products reflect sophisticated formulas combining carefully harvested local botanicals with synergy and modern technology to create luxury tier body and skin care products made by hand and artfully packaged.
Honesty & Transparency

We are proud to be embraced by local Kahuna & Kupuna “Elders” and guided by their wisdom and we are committed to incorporating traditional healing knowledge into our modern lives.
We celebrate the fact that we live in a place where ancient values are still intact, where there is a reverence for the land and where plant medicine is still practiced.



“Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod”
“Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.”
Lokahi “Unity”

Personally Handcrafting every Product.
The concept of oneness is intrinsic to Hawaiian culture and is realized when theh6
earth’s energy is transferred to the plant, to the hands that harvest the plant, to the hands that transform the plants into healing products, to the hands that use the products…
This is the true art of ancient herbalism and this wisdom and awareness of connectivity is what separates Ola Tropical Apothecary products and services from other product lines.
We honor the universal effort that is responsible for the creation of our products, and appreciate all of our partners whose hands participate in their making.
Hawaiian Body Products is honored to be able to partner with local producers and organic farmers to create premium quality body spa products that are made here at the source.
This way you can experience products that are potent, pure, and fresh..

Hawaiian Body Products supports dozens of local organizations that support our community in Hawaii. This includes local schools, family shelters,drug abuse programs, elder care centers, breast cancer awareness and cultural awareness organizations.
The Lanakila Learning Center
Honor abd respect ancient wisdom through the guidance of our elders or Kupuna.
The Lanakila Learning Center is one of Ola’s Community partners.
It is an alternative High School for at risk youth which attempts to balance traditional academic instruction with experiential learning and project-based activities.
The students there hand craft hundreds of lomi sticks for our Ola Pono Wellness collection each year which in turn provides much needed funding for the school’s programs.